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Difficult month with F-Spot


I'm having kind of a hard month with F-Spot.

I've started by trying to look for some way to fix one problem with photo thumbnails —they are regenerated every time F-Spot starts—, and I've found that the reason is the lack of Gnome.Thumbnail class. That one is needed to get the correct path for storing the thumbnails in a GNOME environment, and I couldn't figure out a way to get Gnome.Thumbnail using gtk-sharp-3.

So I've switched to another problem, this time with F-Spot's fullscreen mode, which stopped working after the change from gtk-sharp-3 stable to development version referenced in my last post. After some failed attempts to understand and find the problem using the debugger with MonoDevelop, I've got it with the help of GTK+ Inspector: Playing with FullScreenView, the window used to paint the fullscreen mode interface, I found that changing the window opacity made it work, and then it was easy to find the problem, so I fixed it.

But then, when I restored the visibility of the fullscreen mode I faced another problem with the scrollbars I was seeing before changing Mono from stable to development version: The first photo displayed when entering fullscreen mode sometimes has scrollbars, and it shouldn't as it is displayed adjusted. This time I've had no luck.

I've abandoned it, started working in trying to restore the timeline view, and I'm working on that right now. A few days ago I've installed OpenSUSE 12.3 to test the timeline widget:

F-Spot 0.8.2 in OpenSUSE-12.3

The thing I have is a bit different right now...

F-Spot/gtk3 in Ubuntu 15.04

Tags: [en], GNOME, Google Summer of Code, F-Spot, Mono, gtk-sharp, Planet GNOME

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