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F-Spot displaying photos again using GTK3


F-Spot window displaying a photo.

I feel that this GSoC is going better than the last one in which refers to the usefulness of my participation in F-Spot development —things have changed to better with Gtk# 3, and it looks like the F-Spot internals studying last year is paying back now. I'm still a bit slow programing with C# —I'm a PHP developer— and I'm still learning stuff about the new drawing model with Cairo, but now it looks like the thing is going in the right direction: Now F-Spot is displaying photos again, through Cairo instead of deprecated GtkWindow drawing functions and in GTK3 —it's cool.

This week I'll be working on restoring icon view decorations/captions —i.e. date, rating stars and tags icons— and I'm going to continue investigating weird errors that I don't understand, like the crashes on program exit and a big amount of logs like the next one when I navigate between photos:

Domain: 'GLib' Level: Critical
Message: Source ID 1915 was not found when attempting to remove it
Trace follows:
at GLib.Log.PrintTraceLogFunction(System.String domain, LogLevelFlags level, System.String message)
at GLib.Log.NativeCallback(IntPtr log_domain_native, LogLevelFlags flags, IntPtr message_native, IntPtr user_data)
at GLib.Source.g_source_remove(UInt32 )
at GLib.Source.Remove(UInt32 tag)
at GLib.Idle+IdleProxy.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
at GLib.Idle+IdleProxy.Finalize()
Domain: 'GLib' Level: Critical

Tags: GNOME, [en], Google Summer of Code, F-Spot, Mono, Planet GNOME

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