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Shotwell Faces Tool: Weekly Report 12 & 13 (Final GSoC report)


[ NOTE: Spanish translation in ]

Hi all!

This Google Summer of Code has been incredible. Not only for the coding in Shotwell, but also for being coding in Shotwell again, learning OpenCV stuff, coding in C++ and Vala, improving my English level, and of course meeting GNOME —and even more, Yorba— people and seeing some community expectation about my work.

These last two weeks I've been working in face detection integration and now I have it actually working —but, and sorry again for that, you have to wait a little while more to see it in your own machine. And that is because I'm still working to reincorporate Faces Tool to Shotwell main repository by fixing bugs that are dissatisfying Yorba high quality standards —nothing to complain about, on the contrary, it is something that makes someone to grow up as a developer, and the motivational well done that my mentor sometimes writes is something invaluable.

And since I haven't finished my work —like last year, I'm starting thinking that I always try to do more that I can—, and even considering the fact that it won't count to Google, I'm going to keep contributing to Shotwell by more or less three weeks —I wish to contribute more, and it may be, but I can't promise that due to having to work and study.

To finish, let me remind you that there is a project page [1] where you can find my original proposal with its failed schedule, links to all my reports, and to my GitHub relevant repositories.

Thanks to Google, GNOME and Yorba to let me doing this again (:


Tags: [en], Planet GNOME, Google Summer of Code, Shotwell

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